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Litomon Single Source Protein Complete Canned 165g Chicken Wet Cat Food

RM 13.90 RM 13.90
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Product Details

  • 單一肉源,低敏主食首選 Single source protein
  • 簡化成分、嚴選優質食材,給貓咪真實營養!Simple & high quality ingredients
  • 特別適合 ✔幼貓 ✔腸胃敏感貓 Especially suitable for kittens & Cats with sensitive stomach
CAS安心雞肉、雞心肝、魚油、洋車前子膳食纖維、磷酸鈣、碳酸鈣、維生素 (A、B群、D、E)、有機礦物質、牛磺酸
CAS Safe Chicken, Chicken Heart and Liver, Fish Oil, Psyllium Seed Dietary Fiber, Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamins (A, B Complex, D, E), Organic Minerals, Taurine

Guaranteed Analysis:

代謝能 ME  112 kcal/100g
蛋白質 Protein 16.6%
脂肪 Fat 6.1%
水分 Moisture 74.3%
灰份 Ash  2%
纖維 Fiber 0.3%
碳水化合物 Carbohydrate ≒1%
鈣 Calcium 0.28%
磷 Phosphorus 0.23%
鈉 Sodium 0.06%
鎂 Magnesium  0.02%
鈣磷比 Ca/P  Ratio 1.2:1

  • 單一肉源,低敏主食首選 Single source protein
  • 簡化成分、嚴選優質食材,給貓咪真實營養!Simple & high quality ingredients
  • 特別適合 ✔幼貓 ✔腸胃敏感貓 Especially suitable for kittens & Cats with sensitive stomach

CAS安心雞肉、雞心肝、魚油、洋車前子膳食纖維、磷酸鈣、碳酸鈣、維生素 (A、B群、D、E)、有機礦物質、牛磺酸
CAS Safe Chicken, Chicken Heart and Liver, Fish Oil, Psyllium Seed Dietary Fiber, Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamins (A, B Complex, D, E), Organic Minerals, Taurine

Guaranteed Analysis:

代謝能 ME  112 kcal/100g
蛋白質 Protein 16.6%
脂肪 Fat 6.1%
水分 Moisture 74.3%
灰份 Ash  2%
纖維 Fiber 0.3%
碳水化合物 Carbohydrate ≒1%
鈣 Calcium 0.28%
磷 Phosphorus 0.23%
鈉 Sodium 0.06%
鎂 Magnesium  0.02%
鈣磷比 Ca/P  Ratio 1.2:1
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